The Jenifer Altman Foundation does not accept unsolicited applications.
We wish you the best with your search for funding.
The Jenifer Altman Foundation works with our partner funders to make grants in environmental health and justice, global trade, and emerging technologies. Below is a representative selection of a few of these grants:
Commonweal: Jenifer Altman had a strong desire to ensure continued support of Commonweal's work. JAF makes a sustaining grant to Commonweal each year.
Clean Water Fund: Healthy Legacy Minnesota
Corporate Europe Observatory: Challenging Industry’s Grip on EU Research
Louisiana Environmental Action Network: LEAN Community Empowerment
Toxic-Free Future: Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families
Virginia Organizing: Health and Environmental Funders Network (HEFN)
Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL): EDC-Free Europe campaign coordination and secretariat: Foster delivery for people and environment protection against EDCs in EU policies & regulations
Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL): Leveraging progress on toxic chemicals management at the EU and globally for a continuous positive feedback loop
Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs (BEUC): A Green Deal for Consumers: seizing the opportunity to step up protection against endocrine disruptors
Greenwomen: General Support for A Toxic Free Future – Reducing Negative Effects of Chemical Substances and Waste for Sustainable Development Goal after 2020
Health and Environment Justice Support: Advocating for a strategic approach and sound chemical and waste management beyond 2020; advocating for public engagement in national environmental and health policy implementation; and increasing cooperation and engagement with partner NGOs to reduce toxic pollution